About Us

Magnum Press

Our Philosophy


Magnum hydraulic systems are designed for presses. Our philosophy is to build simple, reliable, and easily serviceable systems. At the heart of our system are steel manifolds designed to consolidate valving, reduce pluming, eliminate leaks, and provide maximum service life. All pressure connection points have o-ring seals – no metal to metal pressure connections – no pipe threads. We use flexible wire braided hose to isolate frame stresses from reservoir and power units yet, maintain crisp system response. Our systems are designed with minimal pressure drops to allow lower usable tonnage range. All systems incorporate decompression on the blind side of the cylinder to eliminate shock pressure waves and ensure maximum service life for the system components. The entire system is designed to minimize response time to give you more parts per shift. Components are standard off the shelf, so replacements are readily available. Our manifolds incorporate efficient cartridge valve design that has extremely low leakage, fast shift time, and low pressure drops, all adding to system efficiency. Larger systems use piloted logic elements called poppet valves. These valves outperform large piloted spool valves in leakage, flow, and response time. Reservoirs are generously sized to minimize the need for external system cooling. Gap frame power units are self-contained and removable for service or remote location. Cylinders are premium quality NFPA compliant with easily serviceable rod bearings and seals.


At the forefront of the electrical system design is safety. The primary power flow for press functions is handled by a CAT 4 two-hand anti-tie down safety relay. This specialty relay checks complementary inputs from each cycle initiator to ensure the operator’s hands are out of the work area. A PLC handles the secondary control functions. This system allows a flexible control system while maintaining system integrity. A clean panel design makes troubleshooting a breeze. All wiring is terminated to spring cage-style terminals. These terminals provide reliable vibration-resistant connections. Wiring on the panel is routed through wire troughs with removable covers. All PLC I/O points are also terminated to the terminals. Systems include multiple guard terminals already installed. Inputs and outputs have all necessary connections (power for proximity switches and grounds and neutrals for coils) on a single terminal, no searching for support wiring for devices. All valve coils use DIN 43650 connections with power indicator lighting and electrical EMF surge suppression. The hydraulic cartridge valves require less current to operate than a conventional spool valve for minimal electrical usage.


Our History

Magnum Press is a high-quality manufacturer of high-speed hydraulic press and automation equipment that is located in Adamsville, Tennessee. Magnum Press was founded in 1996 by second generation hydraulic press industry veteran, Pat DeStefano Jr, with just three employees while owner Phil Green came from a 25 year management and sales career with one of the highest quality fluid power distributors in the US. Magnum Press has continued to grow and offers a full range of standard and custom presses and continues to be in the business of making sure you get the right hydraulic press for the job. Magnum offers a full line of high speed standard gap frame press models in Standard C Frame configuration, 2-Post and 4-Post Guided Tool Plate, GIB Guided and Compact models. Custom 2-Post and 4-Post Column presses are quickly designed and manufactured to your custom specifications. With a standard hydraulic press variety from 2 to 300 ton and broad-reaching custom capabilities to 1500 ton and beyond, Magnum Press, Inc. has the hydraulic press for you.

Hydraulic Systems

Our Equipment

Magnum Press hydraulic presses are heavy duty and built on simple, reliable, fast responding hydraulic systems and rock-solid frames to help you meet your production requirements every day of the week. Flexible PLC based controls backed by category four safety relays provide system flexibility and the ultimate in safety – yet remain maintenance friendly so you can keep on running day after day. Magnum Press systems are designed and built around “off the shelf” components to ensure readily available replacement parts anywhere in the world. All designs are aimed at performance with super flexible setup and minimizing system response time for maximum cycle rates. Magnum hydraulic presses are simply designed to get you more parts per minute.
In need of a powerful, reliable hydraulic press? Maximize production and performance with Magnum Press! Call 855-498-7077 for more information about our quality presses, or get in touch online for a quote on a standard configuration or custom solution.
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